• About the Conference

    DEFTECH 2014

    As per government’s statistics, industry’s investment s in R&D across all sectors is around 0.3% of GDP and Government’s investments is around 0.7% of GDP. The low level of R&D investment is because of several reasons. Lack of concerted efforts can be attributed as the main reason. It is imperative to bring all the stakeholders on board to discuss hard core issues related to defence R&D / technology having direct bearing on India’s military modernisation plans and self-reliance.

    Developed countries and some of the developing countries including China are spending higher percentages of their respective GDP on R&D related activities. World over investment in R&D is linked with the marketing and commercialisation of the product. R&D in India is yet to reach that stage.

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Defence, Aerospace & Security
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Drdo Bhawan, Rajaji Marg
Defence Headquarter, Delhi – 110011, India
Phone: +91-11-24682230-35
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